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Cheems The Beloved Internet Meme Dog

Cheems: The Beloved Internet Meme Dog

Doge's Viral Predecessor

Before the iconic "Doge" meme took the internet by storm in 2013, there was "Cheems," a Shiba Inu whose humorous and relatable expressions have made him a beloved figure in the realm of memes.

Origin and Impact

Cheems, originally named Balltze, gained popularity in 2017 when a photo of him with distorted text surrounding his face went viral. His unique features, including his smushed face and protruding tongue, have made him a perfect canvas for countless memes. Cheems has become a symbol of internet culture, representing everything from awkward situations to moments of pure joy.

Tragic Loss

In 2021, the world was saddened by the news that Balltze, the real-life dog behind the Cheems meme, had passed away. His owner, Matthias, shared the heartbreaking news with the internet community, mourning the loss of his beloved companion.


Cheems, the internet's beloved "Pieseł," has left an enduring legacy of laughter and joy. His memes have brought smiles to countless faces and will continue to be a source of amusement for generations to come. Though his physical presence may be gone, Cheems's spirit will forever live on in the hearts of internet users everywhere, reminding us of the power of a good meme to connect people and bring a touch of light to even the darkest of days.
